Sunday October 14, 2001
3:00 AM
Mayflower Hotel - New York City

Stockhausen Was Wrong

Stockhausen was wrong
(But not the way you think):
An act of art
Amoral, immoral
Lucifer inspired.
Seemingly perfect?

True art is a magnet
A mesmerizing target
Impotence provoking
Ravishing the spoiled.

True art is heroic
Glancing often lightly
In the face of danger
With the utmost grace.

Art is not a goose step
Recitated blindly
Calculated daily
By shaven, smiling spies.

True art lifts you higher
Brings the next step forward
Deftly spins you onward
With the greatest poise.

(c) anonymous go***ss  10.14.01



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